Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter: Committed to helping ferrets and ferret owners since 1998 Donate now with PayPal

Surrendering a Ferret

Ferret Photo (c) Vondelle McLaughlin

We accept all surrendered ferrets no matter what your reason is. Caring for ferrets takes time and money, and sometimes life takes you to difficult places. Whatever the situation, please know your ferret will be well taken care of with the WFRS.

The Surrender Process

The first thing we ask you to do when surrendering a ferret is to contact us at surrender@washingtonferret.org. If it's an emergency, there is an emergency text number on the contact page as well. We will set up a time for surrender and, if necessary, transportation for the surrendered ferrets.

We ask that you fill out a surrender agreement (PDF) and an information sheet (PDF). Knowing what the ferret eats, what their cage setup has been, what toys they like to play with, and their medical history is incredibly helpful, so that we can give them the best care possible, evaluate any health concerns, and place them in the best possible home.

Surrender Fee

There is no fee for surrendering a ferret, whether it's your personal ferret or one you found. However, we gladly accept any donations you would like to offer to help pay for their care.


The paperwork we ask you to fill out for any surrender are: