Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter: Committed to helping ferrets and ferret owners since 1998 Donate now with PayPal

WFRS Newsletters

Your Help is Needed for the Ferrets

July 21, 2023 - Hello Friends of the Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter!

Since COVID hit in the spring of 2020, to protect the ferrets which are highly susceptible to the SARS-COV-19 virus, we had to seriously cut back on outreaches, events, fundraisers, social gatherings, and shelter hours where we were open to the public.

In addition, we've had to move and are faced with markedly increased rent, utilities, and expenses including food, bedding, and medical care for the ferrets.

While gradually we are restoring all activities, the reality of the pandemic on WFRS is this:

  1. Increased number of ferrets surrendered to us
  2. Decreased numbers of ferrets we have been able to adopt out
  3. Increased expenses to care for the ferrets and operate the shelter (we are still all volunteers, 501(c)3 non-profit)
  4. Drastically decreased funding on all levels

We are appealing to you as a ferret parent, lover, and supporter--Please help us now!

Your donation is tax deductible in accordance with tax law, and we issue tax statements in time for your 2023 filing.

Ways to help:

  1. By Zelle: We are listed as donations@washingtonferret.org; Washington Ferret Association, WFRS, Washington Ferret Rescue. Follow your bank's instructions for setting this up. These funds come to us immediately.
  2. By Paypal: Go to our website www.washingtonferret.org; Donations button/page: donations@washingtonferret.org. These funds to us have a fee added to them, and may take time to come to us.
  3. By Check: Made out to WFRS. Send to WFRS, PO Box 5, Everett, WA, 98206

The Ferrets and Volunteers of WFRS THANK YOU!